What energy do you bring to the garden?

What energy do you bring to the garden?

Energy is the basis of all things.

When gardening if we think of energy, we tend to think in terms of how it relates to our plants and maybe the soil.
I know I always want my garden plants to be happy and healthy, with strong, balanced energy.

Yet, it’s not just the energy of our garden plants that is important.
The energy that we bring, as gardeners, is also key to having a healthy, thriving garden environment.

So, what is your energy like when you garden?

Are you always so happy to be outdoors and in your garden space that you tend to feel wonderful when you’re there?

Do you sometimes bring your problems, worries or frustrations out to the garden with you or do you leave them at the garden gate?

I know that gardening is traditionally looked on as being therapeutic and even healing, with many people finding that being in the garden eases their stress levels and improves their mood.
It’s true that nature and gardening is a natural tonic and de-stressor for us, yet in the spirit of gardening co-creatively WITH nature, I like to turn this around and acknowledge how beneficial it is to be aware of our energy and emotions and to conciously bring the best of who we are to the table when we garden.

In the following video I share some thoughts and tips about how to ensure your energy is balanced and feeling good before you start your gardening activities.
It really does make a huge difference to how your garden grows, trust me.

What do YOU think?

Is being out in the garden enough to keep you feeling like a happy camper, or do life’s circumstances sometimes affect your mood when you’re gardening?

Let me know in the comments section below.

Thank you.


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